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Creative Mouse Musings

3 Ways to Show Off Your Personality On Social Media

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Show Off Your Personality On Social Media

Welcome to part 3 of 5 in my mini series 5 Steps to Building an Engaged Audience on Social Media. In this series, we’ll focus on who you’re talking to, why you’re not getting any reactions to your posts, getting your audience to recognize your brand and, engaging your audience in lively conversation.

Social media platforms were created primarily as a way to connect with people, as a way to be social online without being in the same vicinity. However, with the increased popularity of social media and the ways you can promote your business with these platforms, some business owners forget about the ‘social’ part of social media and use it as a free advertising platform.

It’s been proven by experts that people will spend their money with those they know, like, and trust. But if all you’re doing is posting photos of your product or hyping your service or your signature program, you’re not allowing anyone to know you. If your followers don’t know who you are, it’s impossible for them to genuinely like you and you’re simultaneously hindering the trust factor.

A maze of personalities inside a head

So, show off your personality with your social media posts. Let the real you shine through and you will naturally attract your tribe of followers. Here are 3 ways to spice up your social media posts with some personality:

Act like you’re the hostess and your followers are at your party. When hosting a party, you want everyone to be happy and having a good time, right? The same is true on social media platforms. Don’t just hang out on your page; visit other pages and leave comments. Ask your followers questions. Really listen to their answers. Respond to questions or comments that are asked of you. Be compassionate and friendly. Offer friendly advice when asked.

Share your sense of humor and be entertaining. Search YouTube for the videos that strike your funny bone. Better yet, get on Facebook Live and showcase your personality. This doesn’t mean acting fake because you want people to be entertained; rather, be yourself and tell the funny thing your kid said or relay something comical that happened at work. Everybody can use a laugh and posting videos or funny photos is a way to lighten the online atmosphere.

Provide value and inspiration. Talk about your business and let your passion shine but let it be more than, “Buy my services!” Your audience wants to know what’s in it for them; how will your services benefit or help them. Do you have the solution to their problem.  It’s not you making sales; it’s about helping them find solutions. Share your favorite inspirational quotes, especially around the holidays, which can be a tough time of year for some folks.

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Picture of Sharon Yates

Sharon Yates

Sharon is an expert WooCommerce Solution Provider at her minority female-owned business called Creative Mouse Studio. She is obsessed with all things WooCommerce. When she's not on the computer, she is traveling the world and explores new places to go scuba diving with her diving buddies. When she is relaxing at home, she is a fur mommy to her three cats Crystal, Lucy, and Niblet in Galveston, Texas.

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I am obsessed with WooCommerce. I’ve used it to develop well-functioning online stores. I love working with clients who are excited about their business, and their products, and need an online store to reflect their passion and maximize their online business ventures. 

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