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Creative Mouse Musings

Beat Procrastination For Good

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Make progress every single day

Series 7 of 7

It’s hard to believe but we are coming to the end of our seven-week challenge to get off your butt and finally beat procrastination. I hope you’ve been following along and more importantly that you’ve been making progress on at least one of the things you’ve been procrastinating on. We end today with the most important piece of advice and the main lesson I want you to take away from all this.

Make progress every single day!

Make progress every single day!

Of course, that’s easier said than done. That’s why I’m leaving you today with three simple hacks or strategies to help you. Give them a try and see if you can’t get into the habit of being productive every day instead of procrastinating.

Plan for it

Plan for it

It’s easy to make progress every day when you know exactly what you should be working on next. Make a plan and then decide what you will do each day of the week. Write it down in a planner and adjust daily as needed. In the morning, you can see at a glance what it is you should be doing. Then get to work on it first thing before the day gets away from you. I find it helpful to have my planner sitting right in front of me at my desk, keeping me on track.

Don’t break the chain

Don't break the chain

There’s something to be said about a chain or a streak. Record every day you don’t procrastinate on something. You can mark it on a monthly calendar, or create a chain of sticky notes, stickers, or even one of those paper chains you used to make in preschool. The goal is simple. Don’t break the chain. Once you have a few days under your belt, you’ll be motivated to go the extra mile and do that one thing you need to do to avoid breaking the streak.

Check in with yourself

Check in with yourself

As you start to make progress on the things you know you need to be doing, you should feel your anxiety reduce. Instead, you will feel your confidence go up. Don’t be surprised to feel proud of your accomplishments. Instead, use those feelings to propel you forward to more procrastination-free days. Procrastination is a habit. It’s something you learned to do, which means it’s something you can unlearn. Stick with it, make progress every day, and enjoy those feelings of accomplishment.

In conclusion

Confident woman

Remember to forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past. Use the tips and strategies I’ve shared in this series to overcome procrastination and start accomplishing your goals. Speaking of goals, in my second series I suggested setting a goal, writing it down, and get started to get the plan out of your head. This is the hardest part of getting over our procrastination. And don’t forget the seven tips to motivate yourself and make progress with your goals. Don’t let things or people distract you and soon you will beat the temptations of procrastination. Old habits are hard to break and beating procrastination takes perseverance. Accountability is key to beating procrastination. Don’t forget that little voice in your head and listen to your inner voice, become aware of it, and change that dialogue. All of these tips and strategies will help us make progress every single day and then beat procrastination for good.

I hope this little series has helped you start your new year off right and achieve some fresh new goals.

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Picture of Sharon Yates

Sharon Yates

Sharon is an expert WooCommerce Solution Provider at her minority female-owned business called Creative Mouse Studio. She is obsessed with all things WooCommerce. When she's not on the computer, she is traveling the world and explores new places to go scuba diving with her diving buddies. When she is relaxing at home, she is a fur mommy to her three cats Crystal, Lucy, and Niblet in Galveston, Texas.

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I am obsessed with WooCommerce. I’ve used it to develop well-functioning online stores. I love working with clients who are excited about their business, and their products, and need an online store to reflect their passion and maximize their online business ventures. 

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