Tips, tricks, and tactics to help with your website, online store, or even working your business .

Creative Mouse Musings

Sharon Yates coaches people how to succeed with WooCommerce

Musings by Sharon Yates

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for ensuring your WordPress site gets noticed in a crowded digital landscape. While foundational SEO tactics like keyword research and meta descriptions are important, advanced techniques can take your site’s performance to the next level. In this blog post, we’ll explore powerful strategies that will help you outrank competitors and improve your search engine visibility.
I am excited to share some incredible news: Creative Mouse Studio has
Have you ever sat at your screen in frustration and disappointment because
Starting With Wix: A Pragmatic Approach To Your First Website Before Going
Do you dream of starting your own company? E-commerce platforms like WooCommerce
PHP is an open-source scripting language and it is the backbone of
Creative Mouse Studio has been selected for 2022 Best of Addison Award
It's time to take a break from the frenzy of your daily
Does anyone know the voice of that little devil on your shoulder?
We all know that procrastination is bad. It leaves the person with
It is human nature to procrastinate. We often let our sense of
Ready to stop procrastinating and make some progress? Try one of these
Does your mind start racing when you think about all the work
Are you a procrastinator? Over the course of seven blog posts, I'm
Creative Mouse Studio announces they are among the Top B2B Service Providers
Guest speaker on Do the Woo Podcast with BobWP and Mendel Kurland,
Expanding your reach is certainly a goal for business owners and coaches
Social media schedulers, such as HootSuite and Buffer, are convenient and budget-friendly.
Social media platforms were created primarily as a way to connect with
Ah, social media. It’s everybody’s favorite way to interact with others around
Consistency is a key element in a business’s success. Of course, there
E-commerce is a cut-throat business. You have to arm yourself with the
Viral marketing is an integral part of a campaign strategy that is
Website templates are very affordable and they save you a lot of
I answer questions in Facebook Groups that I belong to from time

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I am obsessed with WooCommerce. I’ve used it to develop well-functioning online stores. I love working with clients who are excited about their business, and their products, and need an online store to reflect their passion and maximize their online business ventures. 

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